Heaven is an explanation of the concept of heaven, based on the Holy Scriptures, the Bible.
Ambassadors (+)
Ambassadors are representatives of other people. They have a mission to accomplish and a commission which is resources to do the job.
Alms (+)
Alms are examples of people giving freely to other people. This page reviews verses and related concepts.
Alliances, Political (+)
Alliances, Political (+) are examples in the Bible of political alliances.
Allegory (+)
• Of the trees seeking a king Judg 9:8-15
• Messiah’s kingdom represented under, of the wolf and the lamb dwelling together Isa 11:6-8
• Wilderness to blossom as the rose Isa 35:1-10
• The two covenants Gal 4:24
Parables; Symbols and Similitudes
Reference Works
Kulikovsky – Interpretation of Parables, Allegories, and Types.pdf
Reid, David – Problem with Allegory in Preaching.pdf
Spurgeon-#0069-the allegories of Sarah and Hagar.pdf
Allegories are stories which teach a lesson. They have a hidden or symbolic meaning which parallel parts of the story with a teaching lesson behind them. These stories deal with constructs on two realms, one in the story, and the other in real life.
There is a bad form of interpreting Scripture which carries this name, “allegorizing Scripture” in which the true meaning of Scripture is interpreted in such a way as it is clouded. Many times insignificant elements of parts of the Scripture are torn from their narrative to mean something totally foreign and alien from the biblical context. While Scripture has allegories that are legitimate, many people twist and turn Scripture to mean things that Scripture really does not teach.
An example of a biblical allegory is Nathan’s confrontation of David in 2 Samuel 12:1-4. Jesus liked to use allegories in his teaching.
More Definitions from Concept Category
Aliens or Foreigners (+)
• Strangers, heathen.
• To be treated with justice Exo. 22:21; 23:9; Lev. 19:33-34; Deu. 1:16; 10:19; 24:14,17; 27:19; Jer. 7:6; 22:3; Eze. 22:29; Mal. 3:5
• Religious privileges of Exo. 12:48-49; Num. 9:14; 15:14-15
• Kindness to Edomites, enjoined Deu. 23:7
• Jews authorized to purchase, as slaves Lev. 25:44-45
• And to take usury from Deu. 15:3; 23:20
• Not permitted to make kings of Deu. 17:15
• Forbidden to eat the Passover Exo. 12:45
• Partially exempt from Jewish law Deu. 14:21
• Numerous in times of David and Solomon 2Sa. 22:45-46; 2Ch. 2:17; 15:9
• Oppressed Eze. 22:29
• Rights of Num. 35:15; Jos. 20:9; Eze. 47:22-23
• David’s kindness to 2Sa. 15:19-20
• Hospitality to, required by Jesus Mat. 25:35,38,43 Gleaning; Heathen; Hospitality; Inhospitableness; Proselyte; Strangers
More Classes of People
Agriculture (+)
• Divine institution of Gen 2:15; 3:19, 23
• Practiced by:
– Cain Gen 4:2
– Noah Gen 9:20
– Elisha 1Kgs 19:19
– David 1Chr 27:26-31
– Uzziah 2Chr 26:10
– Solomon Eccl 2:4-6
• God to be acknowledged in Jer 5:24; Hos 2:8
• Requires:
– Requires: Isa 28:26
– Diligence Prov 27:23,27; Eccl 11:6
– Patience Jas 5:7
– Toil 2Tim 2:6
• Persons engaged in, called:
– Husbandmen 2Chr 26:10
– Laborers Matt 9:37; 20:1
– Tillers of the ground Gen 4:2
• Planters of vineyards exempted from military service
– Fruits blasted because of sin Deut 20:6; Isa 5:10; 7:23; Jer 12:13; Joel 1:10-11
– Laws concerning Exod 22:5-6; 34:21-22; 20:9; 23:12; Deut 5:13-14; Lev 19:9-10, 19, 23-25; 25:2-12; Exod 23:10-11; Lev 25:15-16, 19-28; Deut 22:9-10; 23:24-25; Matt 12:1; Deut 24:19-21; Prov 3:9-10; Eccl 5:9; Prov 27:23-27
• Facts about
– General references Gen 8:22; 1Sam 13:19-21; Isa 28:24-28; Matt 13:3-8; 2Cor 9:6; Gal 6:7 Husbandman
• Figurative:
– Fallow ground Jer 4:3
– Sowing wheat, but reaping thorns Jer 12:13
– Parable of the sower Matt 13:3-8, 19-23; Luke 8:5-15
– Parable of the tares Matt 13:24-30, 36-43
King David (+)
King David (+) is a topical listing of verses about King David and his exploits and life.
Darkess represents blindness, not being able to correctly orient yourself to reality. It represents confusion, and inability (resting). See Light.
Light is a concept of orientation. In the opposite, dark, you cannot see. In light, you see, know, recognize, benefit yourself. See Darnkess.