
“God threatened a plague of frogs for a specific reason. The Egyptian goddess Heqt was always pictured with the head of a frog. For this reason frogs were considered sacred and could not be killed. God will show the Egyptians the foolishness of a frog-god!

i. Egyptians worshiped the frog as a female goddess because frogs were common around the Nile, because they reproduced rapidly, and because being amphibians they are part of two worlds, creatures of both land and water.”


Frogs are mentioned several times in the Bible (Ex. 8:2-13; Ps. 105:30; Rev. 16:13). All but the passage in Revelation refer to the plague of frogs in Egypt. The ancient Egyptians connected frogs with fertility and the life cycle, so they considered frogs sacred. What dismay it must have caused when the frogs multiplied uncontrollably and then died and the Egyptians had to gather these sacred animals into stinking heaps. (Revelation 16:13) speaks of frogs as the symbol of unclean spirits.


a well-known amphibious animal of the genus Rana. The mention of this reptile in the Old Testament is confined to the passage in (Exodus 8:2-7) etc., in which the plague of frogs is described, and to (Psalms 78:45; 105:30) In the New Testament the word occurs once only, in (Revelation 16:13) There is no question as to the animal meant. The only known species of frog which occurs at present in Egypt is the Rana esculenta , the edible frog of the continent.


  • Plague of Exo 8:2-14; Psa 78:45; 105:30
  • Symbolic Rev 16:13


(See EGYPT and (See EXODUS). Zeparda’; only found in Exodus and the psalms copied from it. The word is Egyptian; an undesigned coincidence confirming the authenticity of Exodus. The magicians, though permitted to increase the plague of frogs, could neither remove it or any of the other plagues. The three unclean spirits like frogs (Rev 16:13) symbolize

(1) “proud infidelity”, opposing Christ and God, “out of the dragon’s mouth”;

(2) “the spirit of the world”, whether lawless socialistic democracy or despotism, setting man above God, “out of the beast’s mouth”;

(3) “lying spiritualism”, superseding the harlot and proceeding “out of the false prophet’s mouth.”

Awful parody of the Trinity. As frogs croak by night in marshes, so already in our days these unclean spirits in dark error teach lies amidst the mire of filthy lusts. But though the frogs croak at the surface, it does not follow there are not many good. fish beneath, an elect remnant.


Heb. tsepharde’a, meaning a “marsh-leaper”). This reptile is mentioned in the Old Testament only in connection with one of the plagues which fell on the land of Egypt (Ex. 8:2-14; Ps. 78:45; 105:30).

In the New Testament this word occurs only in Rev. 16:13, where it is referred to as a symbol of uncleanness. The only species of frog existing in Palestine is the green frog (Rana esculenta), the well-known edible frog of the Continent.

Concise Bible Dictionary

This well-known reptile is very numerous in Palestine. It is only referred to in the O. T. in connection with the second of the plagues in Egypt. Ex 8:2-14 Ps 78:45 105:30. In the N.T. three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. Re 16:13. Frogs are remarkable for grovelling in the mire, with great noise and activity in the night.


A well known amphibious animal, famous in connection with the plagues in Egypt, Ex 8:1-14. The magicians are said to have brought up frogs upon the land by their enchantments; but as they could not remove them, it is clear that they did not actually produce them. They penetrated everywhere-to the beds of the Egyptians, which were near the ground; and to their ovens, which were cavities in the ground.