• Figures of speech, which attribute human forms, acts, and affections to God.
• Miscellaneous figures
Gen 2:2-3; Exod 31:17; Gen 2:19; Gen 6:6; Exod 32:14; Judg 2:18; 1Sam 15:35; 2Sam 24:16; 1Chr 21:15; Ps 106:45; Jer 26:19; Amos 7:3; Gen 9:16; Gen 11:5; Gen 11:7; Num 11:25; Gen 18:17-19; Gen 18:21; Gen 18:33; Gen 19:29; Gen 22:12; Gen 28:13; Gen 35:13; Exod 2:24; Exod 3:8; Exod 14:24; Exod 20:5; Ps 31:2; Ps 33:6; Ps 35:1-3; Ps 36:7; Ps 57:1; Ps 68:17; Ps 94:9; Ps 121:4; Isa 1:15; Ezek 1:24; Ezek 1:28; Hab 1:13; 1Pet 3:12
- Attribution of human motivation, characteristics, or behavior to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena.
- The representation of the Deity, or of a polytheistic deity, under a human form, or with human attributes and affections.
- The ascription of human characteristics to things not human.
— The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
• Intellectual faculties attributed to deity:
– Memory Isa 43:26; Isa 63:11
– Assisted by tokens Gen 9:16
– Reason Isa 1:18
– Understanding Ps 147:5
– Will Rom 9:19
• Miscellaneous acts and states of mind attributed to:
– Miscellaneous acts and states of mind attributed to: Gen 3:8; Lev 26:12; Deut 23:14; Job 22:14; Hab 3:15
– Resting Gen 2:2-3; Exod 20:11; Exod 31:17; Deut 5:14; Heb 4:4; Heb 4:10
– Fainteth not Isa 40:28
– Amazement Isa 59:16; Isa 63:5; Mark 6:6
– Laughing Ps 2:4; Ps 37:13; Ps 59:8; Prov 1:26
– Sleeping Ps 44:23; Ps 78:65
– Grieved Gen 6:6; Judg 10:16; Ps 95:10; Heb 3:10; Heb 3:17
• Oaths Isa 62:8; Heb 6:16-17; Heb 7:21; Heb 7:28 Oath; Anger, Of God