Kid (see Goat).
Source: [Anon-Animals]
Kid (see Goat).
Source: [Anon-Animals]
Katydid (see Grasshopper). A more technical name for a grasshopper.
Source: [Anon-Animals]
Agrippa II.
He was the son of Herod Agrippa I (Acts 25:26), and Paul was presented before him in Acts 26. As with other in his family, Agrippa II had a very horrible death. He died in Rome in 100 A.D.
From John Brown’s “Dictionary of the Holy Bible“ vol 1 (1789)
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Agrippa I.
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gā´bri-el (גּבריאל, gabhrı̄’ēl, “Man of God”; Γαβριήλ, Gabriḗl): The name of the angel commissioned to explain to Daniel the vision of the ram and the he-goat, and to give the prediction of the 70 weeks (Dan 8:16; Dan 9:21). In the New Testament he is the angel of the annunciation to Zacharias of the birth of John the Baptist, and to Mary of the birth of Jesus (Luk 1:19, Luk 1:26). Though commonly spoken of as an archangel, he is not so called in Scripture. He appears in the Book of Enoch (chapters 9, 20, 40) as one of 4 (or 6) chief angels. He is “set over all powers,” presents, with the others, the cry of departed souls for vengeance, is “set over the serpents, and over Paradise, and over the cherubim.” He is prominent in the Jewish Targums, etc. (ISBE)
Basilsk is a large serpent or snake. The general idea of a huge snake would also apply because anything very large and long could be referred to as a basilsk.
A bat is a four footed beast of the ravenous sort. Each foot has five toes, and the forefeet are connected with a membrane, and expand into a sort of wing. Its mouth is like that of quadruped, not like a bird, and it is covered with hair. It gives birth to live young, not eggs, and resembles greatly a mouse. The female gives milk to its young, and these young cling to her chest. During winter bats cover themselves with their wings and hang in dry, dark places. In summer they do likewise in the day, and they hunt for food at night catching moths and insects. They cannot be tamed.
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Bear is a fierce animal that is a both a predator (kills to eat) and a killer for pleasure. This attribute marks its character.
Cow is an animal that man uses for food. They produce both milk and meat (when slain). Their value is in their easy nature to domesticate.
badger, dugong is an animal mentioned in the Bible that has a skin, which was used for various things in biblical life, most notably the tabernacle.
Note that we are not 100% sure what this animal was/is. Most of these definitions are experts opinions more than accurate modern knowledge of the animal like what we know is an a lion or such.