Why did God send the plagues to Egypt? This post is a meditation on the plagues of Egypt and is really involved.
Category Archives: P
Although many Bible dictionaries consider a pigeon and a dove to be the same things, I would consider them slightly different. A dove is more of a calm animal. A pigeon is more of a busy bird that goes about seeking food, looking for fallen seeds. Doves do the same, but they seem to me as being less “busy” and more “quiet”. To me that is their principle differences.
In general, a pigeon is more of a pest than anything else. They are not associated with peace and quiet, but with business and activity. They themselves would cause confusion. Doves are a symbol of the Holy Spirit, and in this, they are quiet, peaceful, causing or enjoying rest. Pigeons_ don’t have these traits. Continue reading
The prophets Isaiah and Zephaniah mention a wild creature that lived in desolate ruined places (Is. 14:23; 34:11; Zeph. 2:14). The KJV calls it a bittern, but the RSV translates the animal as hedgehog or porcupine (bustard, NEB). Palestine does have porcupines, even today. They are small animals with sharp needles all over their backs. When in danger, the porcupine rolls up into a prickly ball.
Source: [Anon-Animals]
A river
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Amusements and Worldly Pleasures
David Cox’s Topical Bible Concordance
• Belong to the works of the flesh Gal. 5:19,21.
• Are transitory Job 21:12-13; Heb. 11:25.
• Are all vanity Ec 2:11.
• Choke the word of God in the heart Luk. 8:14.
• Formed a part of idolatrous worship Exo. 32:4,6, 19; 1Co. 10:7; Judg. 16:23-25.
• Lead to
– Rejection of God. Job 21:14-15.
– Poverty. Pro. 21:17.
– Disregard of the judgments and works of God. Isa. 5:12; Amo. 6:1-6.
– Terminate in sorrow Pro. 14:13.
– Are likely to lead to greater evil Job 1:5; Mat. 14:6-8.
– The wicked seek for happiness in Ec 2:1,8.
• Indulgence in
– A proof of folly. Ec 7:4.
– A characteristic of the wicked. Isa. 47:8; Eph. 4:17,19; 2Ti. 3:4; Tit. 3:3; 1Pe. 4:3.
– A proof of spiritual death. 1Ti. 5:6.
– An abuse of riches. Jam. 5:1,5.
– Wisdom of abstaining from Ec 7:2-3.
– Shunned by the saints 1Pe. 4:3.
• Abstinence from, seems strange to the wicked 1Pe. 4:4.
• Denounced by God Isa. 5:11-12.
• Punishment of Ec 11:9; 2Pe. 2:13.
• Renunciation of, Exemplified
• Moses. Heb. 11:25.
Palmerworm (see Worm).
Source: [Anon-Animals]