

[destruction, ruin]

David Cox’s Topical Bible Concordance
• The angel of the bottomless pit. Rev. 9:11.

  1. Destruction, ruin (Job 31:12); the place of the dead, synonymous with the grace (Psa 88:11), Sheol (Job 26:6: Prov 15:11), and death (Job 28:22).
  2. A name of the angel of the abyss, who is called in Greek Apollyon (Rev 9:11).

Abaddon is Hebrew and the Greek equivalent is Apollyon. Both signify destroyer Rev 9:11. Both the place and the person (angel in charge of doing this) is wound up in the same concept, that of being destroyed. This is not a ceasing from existing but a ruin. ISBE comments that the Hebrew has the idea of intransitive action instead of passive, thus the idea is more of perishing, or going to ruin, or being in a ruined state rather the active being ruined or destroyed. ISBE goes on to say that the word occurs 6 times in the OT and each place it is the name of a place, Sheol. It is the world of the dead as understood by the Hebrews. Three of the six places Abaddon is parallel with Sheol (Job 26:6; Prov 15:11; Prov 27:20) and in the three remaining places, one is the death, one is the grave, and one is “root out all mine increase” (Job 28:22; Psa 88:11; Job 31:12).

“Abaddon belongs to the realm of the mysterious. Only God understands it (Job 26:6; Prov 15:11). It is the world of the dead in its utterly dismal, destructive, dreadful aspect, not in those more cheerful aspects in which activities are conceived of as in progress there. In Abaddon there are no declarations of God’s lovingkindness (Psa 88:11).”

“In a slight degree the Old Testament presentations personalize Abaddon. It is a synonym for insatiableness (Prov 27:20). It has possibilities of information mediate between those of “all living” and those of God (Job 28:22).” ISBE

“We may regard this word as a personification of the idea of destruction, or as sheol, the realm of the dead.”.

In Rev 9:11 personified as the destroyer, Greek, apolluon, “the angel of the bottomless pit,” Satan is meant; for he is described in Rev 9:1 as “a star fallen from heaven unto earth, to whom was given the key of the bottomless pit”; and Rev 12:8-9,12: “Woe to the inhabiters of the earth, for the devil is come down.” Also Isa 14:12; Luk 10:18. As king of the locusts, that had power to torment not kill (Rev 9:3-11), Satan is permitted to afflict but not to touch life; so in the case of Job (Job 1-2). “He walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1Pe 5:8). “A murderer from the beginning” (John 8:44), who abode not in the truth.

Elliott identifies the locusts with the Muslims; their turbans being the “crowns” (but how are these “like gold”?); they come from the Euphrates River; their cavalry were countless; their “breast-plates of fire” being their rich-colored attire; the fire and smoke out of the horses’ mouths being the Turkish artillery; their standard “horse tails”; the period, an hour, day, month, and year, 396 years 118 days between Thogrul Beg going forth Jan. 18, 1057 A.D., and the fall of Constantinople, May 29, 1453 A.D.; or else 391 years and 1 month, as others say, from 1281 A.D., the date of the Turks’ first conquest of Christians, and 1672 A.D., their last conquest. The serpent-like stinging tails correspond to Mohammedanism supplanting Christianity in large parts of Asia, Africa, and even Europe.

But the hosts meant seem infernal rather than human, though constrained to work out God’s will (Rev 12:1-2). The Greek article once only before all the periods requires rather the translation “for (i.e. “against”) THE hour and day and month and year,” namely, appointed by God. Not only the year, but also the month, day, and hour, are all definitively foreordained. The article “the” would have been omitted, if a total of periods had been meant. The giving of both the Hebrew and the Greek name implies that he is the destroyer of both Hebrew and Gentiles alike. Just as, in beautiful contrast, the Spirit of adoption enables both Jew and Gentile believers to call God, in both their respective tongues, Abba (Hebrew in marked alliteration with Abaddon Father (Greek, pater). Jesus who unites both in Himself (Gal 3:28; Eph 2:14) sets us the example: Mark 14:36; Gal 4:6. Jesus unites Hebrew and Gentiles in a common salvation; Satan combines both in a common “destruction.”  Fausset

“In Rev 9:11 this name is shown to be the same as Apollyon, ‘the destroyer,’ who is described as ‘the angel of the bottomless pit.’ It is perhaps not so much one of the names of Satan, as his character personified” Morrish

See Apollyon

Sources: Davis Dictionary, Amtrac Dictionary, ISBE, Easton, Morrish.


(high or holy ground), a mountainous district of Asia mentioned in the Bible in connection with the following events:–
(1) As the resting-place of the ark after the deluge. (Genesis 8:4)
(2) As the asylum of the sons of Sennacherib. (2 Kings 19:37; Isaiah 37:38) Authorized Version has “the land of Armenia.”
(3) As the ally, and probably the neighbor, of Minni and Ashchenaz. (Jeremiah 51:27) [ARMENIA]
The name Ararat was unknown to the geographers of Greece and Rome, as it still is to the Armenians of the present day; but it was an ancient name for a portion of Armenia. In its biblical sense it is descriptive generally of the Armenian highlands–the lofty plateau which over looks the plain of the Araxes on the north and of Mesopotomia on the south.
Various opinions have been put forth as to the spot where the ark rested, as described in (Genesis 8:4) (but it is probable that it rested on some of the lower portions of the range than on the lofty peak to which exclusively) Europeans have given the name Ararat, the mountain which is called Massis by the Armenians, Agri-Dagh , i.e. Steep Mountain , by the Turks, and Kuh-i-Nuh , i.e. Noah’s Mountain , by the Persians.
It rises immediately out of the plain of the Araxes, and terminates in two conical peaks, named the Great and Less Ararat, about seven miles distant from each other; the former of which attain an elevation of 17,260 feet above the level of the sea and about 14,000 above the plain of the Araxes, while the latter is lower by 4000 feet. The summit of the higher is covered with eternal snow for about 3000 feet. Arguri, the only village known to have been built on its slopes, was the spot where, according to tradition, Noah planted his vineyard.
“The mountains of Ararat ” are co-extensive with the Armenian plateau from the base of Ararat in the north to the range of Kurdistan in the south, we notice the following characteristics of that region as illustrating the Bible narrative;
(1) Its elevation. It rises to a height of from 6000 to 7000 feet above the level of the sea.
(2) Its geographical position. Viewed with reference to the dispersion of the nations, Armenia is the true center of the world; and at the present day, Ararat is the great boundary-stone between the empires of Russia, Turkey, and Persia.
(3) Its physical character. The plains, as well as the mountains, supply evidence of volcanic agency.
(4) The climate. Winter lasts from October to May and is succeeded by a brief spring and a summer of intense heat.
(5) The vegetation. Grass grows luxuriantly on the plateau and furnishes abundant pasture during the summer months to the flocks of the nomad Kurds. Wheat, barley, and vines ripen at far higher altitudes than on the Alps and the Pyrenees.

Smith’s Dictionary

Arts of the… (Employments)

Arts of the…
David Cox’s Topical Bible Concordance

Arts of The.
Apothecary or perfumer Ex 30:25,35
Armourer 1Sa 8:12
Baker Ge 40:1; 1Sa 8:13
Brick-maker Ge 11:3; Ex 5:7,8,18
Brazier Ge 4:22; 2Ti 4:14
Blacksmith Ge 4:22; 1Sa 13:19
Carver Ex 31:5; 1Ki 6:18
Carpenter 2Sa 5:11; Mr 6:3
Calker Eze 27:9,27
Confectioner 1Sa 8:13
Dyer Ex 25:5
Embroiderer Ex 35:35; 38:23
Embalmer Ge 50:2,3,26
Engraver Ex 28:11; Isa 49:16; 2Co 3:7
Founder Jdj 17:4; Jer 10:9
Fuller 2Ki 18:17; Mr 9:3
Gardener Jer 29:5; Joh 20:15
Goldsmith Isa 40:19
Husbandman Ge 4:2; 9:20
Mariner, &c Eze 27:8,9
Mason 2Sa 5:11; 2Ch 24:12
Musician 1Sa 18:6; 1Ch 15:16
Potter Isa 64:8; Jer 18:3; La 4:2; Zec 11:13
Refiner of metals 1Ch 28:18; Mal 3:2,3
Rope maker Jdj 16:11
Silversmith Ac 19:24
Stone cutter Ex 20:25; 1Ch 22:15
Ship builder 1Ki 9:26
Smelter of metals Job 28:2
Spinner Ex 35:25; Pr 31:19
Tailor Ex 28:3
Tanner Ac 9:43; 10:6
Tent-maker Ge 4:20; Ac 18:3
Weaver Ex 35:35; Joh 19:23
Wine-maker Ne 13:15; Isa 63:3
Writer Jdj 5:14

Anointing, Sacred

Anointing, Sacred
David Cox’s Topical Bible Concordance

Anointing, Sacred.
Antiquity of Ge 28:18; 35:14
Consecrates to God’s service Ex 30:29
Persons who received
Prophets. 1Ki 19:16; Isa 61:1
Priests. Ex 40:13-15
Kings. Jdj 9:8; 1Sa 9:16; 1Ki 1:34
Things which received
Tabernacle, &c. Ex 30:26,27; 40:9
Brazen altar. Ex 29:36; 40:10
Brazen laver. Ex 40:11
Those who partook of
Protected by God. 1Ch 16:22; Ps 105:15
Not to be injured or insulted. 1Sa 24:6; 26:9; 2Sa 1:14,15; 19:21
Oil or ointment for
Divinely prescribed. Ex 30:23-25
Compounded by the priests. 1Ch 9:30
An holy anointing oil for ever. Ex 30:25,31
Not to be imitated. Ex 30:32
To be put on no stranger. Ex 30:33
Jews condemned for imitating. Eze 23:41
Illustrative of the anointing
Of Christ with the Holy Spirit. Ps 45:7; Isa 61:1; Lu 4:18
Of saints with the Holy Spirit. 1Jo 2:27


David Cox’s Topical Bible Concordance

With oil Ps 92:10
With ointment Joh 11:2
Was used for
Decorating the person. Ru 3:3
Refreshing the body. 2Ch 28:15
Purifying the body. Es 2:12; Isa 57:9
Curing the sick. Mr 6:13; Jas 5:14
Healing wounds. Isa 1:6; Lu 10:34
Preparing weapons for war. Isa 21:5
Preparing the dead for burial. Mt 26:12; Mr 16:1; Lu 23:56
The Jews were very fond of. Pr 27:9; Am 6:6
Was applied to
The head. Ps 23:5; Ec 9:8
The face. Ps 104:15
The feet. Lu 7:38,39; Joh 12:3
The eyes. Re 3:18
Ointment for
Richly perfumed. Song 4:10; Joh 12:3
Most expensive. 2Ki 20:13; Am 6:6; Joh 12:3,5
Prepared by the apothecary. Ec 10:1
An article of commerce. Eze 27:17; Re 18:13
Neglected in times of affliction. 2Sa 12:20; 14:2; Da 10:3
Neglect of, to guests, a mark of disrespect Lu 7:46
A token of joy Ec 9:7,8
Deprivation of, threatened as a punishment De 28:40; Mic 6:15
Why recommended by Christ in times of Fasting Mt 6:17,18


David Cox’s Topical Bible Concordance

• Forbidden Ec 7:9; Mat. 5:22; Rom. 12:19.
• A work of the flesh Gal. 5:20.
• A characteristic of fools Pro. 12:16; 14:29; 27:3; Ec 7:9.
• Connected with
-Pride. Pro. 21:24.
-Cruelty. Gen. 49:7; Pro. 27:3-4.
-Clamour and evil-speaking. Eph. 4:31.
– Malice and blasphemy. Col. 3:8.
– Strife and contention. Pro. 21:19; 29:22; 30:33.
• Brings its own punishment Job 5:2; Pro. 19:19; 25:28.
• Grievous words stir up Judg. 12:4; 2Sa. 19:43; Pro. 15:1.
• Should not betray us into sin Psa. 37:8; Eph. 4:26.
• In prayer be free from 1Ti. 2:8.
• May be averted by wisdom Pro. 29:8.
• Meekness pacifies Pro. 15:1; Ec 10:4.
• Children should not be provoked to Eph. 6:4; Col. 3:21.
• Be slow to Pro. 15:18; 16:32; 19:11; Tit. 1:7; Jam. 1:19.
• Avoid those given to Gen. 49:6; Pro. 22:24.

Justifiable, Exemplified
– Our Lord. Mar. 3:5.
– Jacob. Gen. 31:36.
– Moses. Exo. 11:8; 32:19; Lev. 10:16; Num. 16:15.
– Nehemiah. Ne 5:6; 13:17,25.
Sinful, Exemplified
– Cain. Gen. 4:5-6.
– Esau. Gen. 27:45.
– Simeon and Levi. Gen. 49:5-7.
– Moses. Num. 20:10-11.
– Balaam. Num. 22:27.
– Saul. 1Sa. 20:30.
– Ahab. 1Ki. 21:4.
– Naaman. 2Ki. 5:11.
– Asa. 2Ch. 16:10.
– Uzziah. 2Ch. 26:19.
– Haman. Est. 3:5.
– Nebuchadnezzar. Dan. 3:13.
– Jonah. Jon. 4:4.
– Herod. Mat. 2:16.
– Jews. Luk. 4:28.
– High Priest, &c. Act. 5:17; 7:54.

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