Buzzard (see Vulture). Continue reading
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The Hebrew term translated pygarg in (Deuteronomy 14:5) means “leaper.” The RSV translates ibex and the NKJV has mountain goat or addax (margin). This animal probably was the white-rumped antelope. Also see Antelope, Goat.
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Quail. In Palestine, the quail is a migrating bird that arrives in droves along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. With their strong flying muscles, these birds can fly rapidly for a short time. When migrating, however, they stretch their wings and allow the wind to bear them along. Sometimes they reach land so exhausted after their long flight that they can be caught by hand.
Most of the time quail remain on the ground, scratching for food and helping farmers by eating insects. Their brown-speckled bodies are inconspicuous, but they often give away their presence by a shrill whistle.
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Rabbit (see Hare).
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Hell is an explanation of that place of punishment that the Bible refers to and warns us to not ignore it as a threat from God.
Heaven is an explanation of the concept of heaven, based on the Holy Scriptures, the Bible.
a snake is a condemned and chastised creature because of its part in the fall of man.
An ass or donkey is a beast of burden, known for is sturdiness in carrying loads of burden.
Potter’s Wheel
Potter’s Wheel is used in Scripture to represent a creating God. In other words, it highlights the fact that God has unlimited and unrestricted creative abilities, both in what He makes as well as what characteristics He endows His creatures with.
Potter’s Wheel Meaning
The Potter’s Wheel has a symbolism associated with it. He describes the creative activity of God in making things the way He wishes them to be.
God cannot be held responsible for how He makes things. There is no right of a creature to demand or rebuke God for how He made them. God works according to the method that brings glory to Himself, how he decides, and neither man nor angel has the right to rebuke God for anything. Satan will use anything he can to attack the righteousness of God, but Satan has to deal with God as his Creator, and as sure he (being a creature like us) has no authority nor right to tell God He has worked incorrectly.
The no-rebuke and no-complaint points are very important because a creature must accept the will of the Creator for their life. The potter makes one vessel for glory and another for dishonor. For example, one vessel to sit on the table while you eat, and another to wash your backside after going to the bathroom. One light is a chandelier and another one is a hall light for the bathroom at night. That is the decision of the Potter and not the thing created.
See also God as Creator on a website by Pastor David Cox, Webmaster
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God as Creator are works about God’s bring other things, persons, etc. into existence in the Creation that God has made. This act is God acting as a Creator. God thinks and works holistically. God made man, but God also made animals and plants before he made man so that man could sustain himself by having things to eat. Furthermore, God made man, but God in his wisdom understood that man alone is really boring and depressing, so he made a different kind of “man”, woman. That really livened thing up for man and men!
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