Panther (see Lion).
Category Archives: Alphabetical
According to the KJV, Solomon imported peacocks from other nations for his royal courts in Israel (1 Kin. 10:22; 2 Chr. 9:21). A peacock, the male of the species, is about the size of a turkey, with feathers of brilliant blue, green, and purple. He parades in front of the female, spreading his train of gorgeous long plumes behind him like a huge fan. Some versions of the Bible translate this term as monkeys, peacocks, or baboons.
Source: [Anon-Animals]
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From early times, the partridge has been a game bird. They were among the birds which could be eaten as clean food by the Jewish people. Two species, the sand partridge (Is. 34:15), (NEB) and the chukar, are common in Palestine.
Partridges live in fields, feeding on grain and insects. They usually travel in coveys of 12 to 30 birds. Their meat is tasty, and the bird is clever enough to give the hunter a fine chase. It takes sharp eyes to spot the mottled feathers of a partridge. When alarmed, the bird will hide in a hole, crouch among loose stones, or fly from tree to tree with loudly whirring wings. David compared himself to a partridge when he was fleeing from Saul (1 Sam. 26:20).
The prophet Jeremiah compared the person who gathered riches by unrighteous means to a partridge that gathers a brood of young birds which she has not hatched (Jer. 17:11).
Source: [Anon-Animals]
The pelican is one of the largest webfooted birds, often reaching 2 meters (6 feet) in length with a 3 meter (lo-foot) wingspread. But in spite of its great size, the pelican swims and flies well.
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alternative spelling “Zelpha”.
meaning “droping” or “drooping”, a trickling down, (a distillation from the mouth)
The Syrian maid of Leah (given to her by Laban Gen 29:24) to serve her as her attendant, who became the secondary wife of Jacob, and the mother of Gad and Asher, Gen 29:24; 30:9-13; 35:26; 37:2; 46:18.
Black Vulture
Black Vulture (see Osprey).
Vultures are birds that are known to eat other animals. Unlike the eagle or hawk, they are not hunters, but come when some other animal has made a kill or the animal dies naturally. So they are considered “unclean” birds. –David Cox
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Definition of the Antichrist
Definition of the Antichrist
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Beetle. Beetles fly, but they do not leap (Lev. 11:21).
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Fly. The “flies” of the Bible included the common housefly, as well as other two-winged insects. Many of these were biting insects.4 Continue reading
Deer was admired for its agility and grace, its ability to sense danger quickly, and its swiftness.
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