Darkess represents blindness, not being able to correctly orient yourself to reality. It represents confusion, and inability (resting). See Light.
• Over the face of the earth Gen 1:2; Job 38:9; Jer 4:23
• Called Night Gen 1:5
• God creates Isa 45:7
• Miraculous:
– In Egypt Exod 10:21-22; Ps 105:28
– At Sinai Exod 20:21; Heb 12:18
– At the crucifixion Matt 27:45; Mark 15:33
• Figurative:
– Of judgments Prov 20:20; Isa 8:22; Isa 13:10; Jer 4:28; Jer 13:16; Lam 3:2; Ezek 32:7-8; Joel 2:2; Joel 2:10; Amos 4:13; Amos 5:18; Amos 5:20; Amos 8:9; Mic 7:8; Matt 24:29; Mark 13:24; Luke 23:45; Rev 8:12; Rev 9:2
– »Outer darkness« Matt 8:12; Matt 22:13; Matt 25:30
– »Power of darkness« Luke 22:53; Eph 6:12; Col 1:13; 1Thess 5:5; Rev 16:10
– Of spiritual blindness Isa 9:2; Matt 4:16; Luke 1:79; Isa 42:16; Isa 50:10; Matt 6:22-23; Matt 8:12; John 1:5; John 3:19-21; John 8:12; John 11:9-10; Acts 26:18; Rom 1:21; Rom 13:12-13; 1Cor 4:5; 2Cor 4:6; 2Cor 6:14; Eph 5:8; Eph 5:11; 1Thess 5:4-5; 1Pet 2:9; 1John 1:5-7; 1John 2:8-11 Blindness, Spiritual
• The darkness of the holy of holies was symbolic of the dwelling place of Jehovah
– General references Exod 19:16; 2Sam 22:10-12; 2Chr 6:1; 1Kgs 8:12; Ps 18:11; Ps 97:2; Heb 12:18 Tabernacle, The Most Holy Place