Ability definition is a Bible dictionary definition on this concept, being able to do something.
Tag Archives: gads
Bustard (see Porcupine).
Cho, David Yonggi
David Yonggi Cho is an analysis of this false prophet’s errors and wrong conduct.
Se Church Growth through Cell Groups (Posts on Aug 16, 2021)
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Buck (see Deer).
Boar (see Swine).
Father is a definition of the use of this word in the Bible and its references and meanings to it. Fathers imply a relationship to a son.
A cockatrice is a kind of snake with a something like a chicken’s head, and 2 legs.
Cockatrice (see Snake).
A cockatrice is a mythical beast, essentially a two-legged dragon or serpent-like creature with a rooster’s head. Described by Laurence Breiner as “an ornament in the drama and poetry of the Elizabethans”, it was featured prominently in English thought and myth for centuries.
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A coney is a rock badger a type of rabbit. They are known for their persistence under difficult situations.
Coney (see Rock Badger).
(Heb. shaphan; i.e., “the hider”), an animal which inhabits the mountain gorges and the rocky districts of Arabia Petraea and the Holy Land. “The conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the rocks” ( Proverbs 30:26 ; Psalms 104:18 ). They are gregarious, and “exceeding wise” ( Proverbs 30:24 ), and are described as chewing the cud ( Leviticus 11:5 ; Deuteronomy 14:7 ).
Colt (see Donkey; Horse).